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Robyn and I were out tooling around the Sound one lovely afternoon, when I noticed this beautiful boat approaching us. Why, it’s my awesome co-worker and sailing buddy Chip + family on his Ericson 41, ARETE! We both zigged and zagged around for awhile, tacking up and down the Sound with great pix of each others boat. Bonus: I finally got to see Chip dance to his upgraded stereo setup I helped him with…. whoa. Thankfully he’s a phenomenal sailor, I’ll just leave it at that.

We hung out for about an hour, chatting on the GPS and then headed south to Elliott Bay and we turned north for Shilshole. So fun when your chasing or someone else is chasing you. We always want to go as fast as possible and with another boat alongside it gives us good reason to max her out. As with most sailors, when you see another boat heading in the same basic direction, you’re racing.